Here are a couple of Installations. Click on the images for more details.


'War Songs"

Espacio El Particular,
Mexico, City, Mexico
Installation, Video
2006 - 12' x 20'

Click here to see video


Museum of
Contemporary Art, Chicago,
Installation, Video
2005 - 12' x 20'



"I Am Not The Man You Think I Am Nor Will I Ever Be The Woman You Want Me To Be"

Drawing Installation, Video
2005 - 12' x 20'

Click here to see video

"An Ode to the Chemically Sensitive,pt. 1"

Drawng Installation,
2005 - 15' x 10'




"The Symbology Room"

Wall Paper Installation,
2004 - 15' x 10''




Drawing Installation, Video
2004 - 12' x15'

Click here to see video

"The Fairyland Forest"

Drawing Installation,
2004 - 20' x 6'


"The Tree of Life"

Drawing Installation,
2004 - 20' x 16'

"The Fucking Tree"

Drawing Installation,
6' Round

"Amitabha Santa "

Video Installation, 2004
2004 - 4' x 5'

Click here to see video


"Homage to Paul Reubens,
(Pee-Wee Herman)

Drawing with
accompanying sculpture,

2004 - 120 x 60"


"Subliminal Transcribing "

Felt Installation,
2004 - 120 x 60"

""I Was Never Into Sports"

Mixed Media
2004- 20' x 20'



"You Can't Get
Prada From Kissing"
Mixed Media
Installation, 2003